I'm Shiraru! I wouldn't call myself a Webmaster like everyone else here, I'm more like a Webnovice, a Webapprentice if you will.
I've always been fascinated with created a website and I would love to grow this to be as good as it can be.
I love to draw, sleep, and watch various videos. I'm pretty boring tbh...
Hopefully on this page I can include fun little blinkies and personality widgets!
My goal for this website...is to somehow emulate websites I frequented as a kid! I notice that is the goal of a lot of websites which really does show the consequences of the modern internet.
Some day I would hope to host fun little games, activities, even this silly little comic with my ocs that I've had in the making since like 2014.
But I sure do have a ways to go lol. For now I hope you can all enjoy this barebones website.
website inspirations!
heres my own button!
Li Speaks! - channel about 2000s media!
Dream Jelly! - channel about 2000s kids nostalgia!
NationSquid! - channel about technology and internet history!
Defunctland! - channel about deep dives into theme parks and entertainment in general!
Bittersweet Candy Bowl! - a long running comic about cat drama!
Homestuck! - webcomic that will forever be near and dear to my heart! made me want to create a multimedia comic like it some day!
home page!
about ocs!
Ball Jointed Dolls!