Welcome to the change log! This is where i will update you guys with what ive been doing! and will host a to-do list as well!! i'll move this to the front page maybe
Change Log! 12/13/2024 added bjd page! 03/10/2024 added shopping and media consumption (not accessible) removed access to the art gallery 10/29/2023 added the first shrine! dedicated toall my plushies you can learn about the guys near and dear to my heart added the art gallery buddy changed the to-do list to creating more shrines 10/01/2023 small minor fixes! added the loading lazy attribute on art gallary hopefully it loads nicer now 08/20/2023 simplified about me! and added fun stuff! added more ocs! added gallery! decided that the box with the links on the right is perfect the way she is 08/10/2023 added this page! added descriptions for ocs on oc page spaced the top box and the main box simplied about me pageTo-Do try and learn java script guestbook maybe? adding more shrines/collections! add something fun to home page so its less boring